BELSS-IGIER Special-Lectures Series

Welcome to a BELSS-IGIER Special-Lectures Series on Wednesday May 7:

Ingela Alger (Toulouse School of Economics) & Jörgen Weibull (Stockholm School of Economics) will talk about "Evolution of Preferences" -- readings listed below

Where: 5-E4-sr04 (5th floor Roentgen Building)
When: Wednesday May 7 at 10.30-12.00 + 17.00-18.30
Afterwards: attendants are invited for a post-lecture-series aperitivo

We hope many will attend! If you have questions, contact Martin Dufwenberg ( or the IGIER team (


Readings links:

Ingela Alger & Jörgen W. Weibull (2010), “Kinship, incentives and evolution,” American Economic Review 100, 1725-1758.
- (2012), “A generalization of Hamilton’s rule — Love others how much?” Journal of Theoretical Biology 299, 42-54.
- (2013), “Homo moralis – preference evolution under incomplete information and assortative matching,” Econometrica 81, 2269-2302.
- (2014), "Evolutionarily stable strategies, preferences and moral values, in n-player interactions," mimeo.